Get conversion copy tips that'll help you clarify techspeak and grow your B2B SaaS biz. I want to join!

About Copytrigger

Hi, I'm Heather Catherine Orr 👩🏻‍💻

Your B2B and SaaS company needs to trigger more leads and paying customers.

But your website, emails, app copy, and landing pages are full of confusing and complicated technical language. And your team is overwhelmed with projects that all have to be done yesterday.

This is when you hire a conversion copywriter who’s on a mission to slay “techspeak” and transform it into clear and concise human language that moves people to take action.

Your ability to emotionally connect with your customers is destroyed the moment they can’t understand what you offer and how it helps them.

You engage new customers and nurture existing ones when you speak like you’re talking to real, live, breathing humans with goals, pressures, desires, and anxieties.

You need clear and concise messaging so people can understand how your B2B SaaS product is the ultimate solution to their problems.

When your team partners with me, you’ll get a conversion copywriter with over a decade of experience working with corporate marketing departments, tech startups, and digital agencies to deliver results.

What if you didn't treat your customers like faceless pixels?

You can have a professional voice without sounding like a robot. You’re confusing your ideal customer about what you offer and how it helps them.

Poor customer-product fit also increases your churn rate and customer acquisition costs. When you want the right business leaders to buy from your company, you need to keep in mind that they’re under much more pressure to deliver results than an individual.

You can transform potential B2B buyers into loyal customers when your SaaS copy:

✓ Persuades multiple stakeholders because the software evaluator may not be the person who is purchasing.

✓ Helps the evaluator feel confident that end-users will find the software as useful as they do because making the wrong decision can negatively impact the entire business.

✓ Reduces the fear of not getting the best outcome for their team.

My 5 Core Values🎖️


Heather's copywriting is top notch.

She is one of the most reliable and professional copywriters I’ve worked with. I appreciate how organized she is and how she often exceeds the project requirements. She’s a great communicator who always delivers high-quality work on time. 

Mike Ivancie, VP Marketing at CNote

SaaS Landing Pages & Emails

Boost your demo and free-trial signups. Reduce your customer acquisition costs.

You’ve tried everything you can think of to make it easy to say yes to your SaaS product but people are still not taking the next step and signing up.

You should consider your ideal customer’s expectations rather than only looking at your competition to understand how to optimize your landing pages and emails.

Your ideal customer is more likely to become a loyal subscriber if your offer is clear and you can show your SaaS product in action solving their problems in a unique way.

Free trials require a learning curve from the software evaluator. Your landing pages and emails need to be focused on convincing people how amazing life will be after using your SaaS product.

Your next step

Is your B2B SaaS company ready to grow?

Many SaaS products require a learning period so you don’t want to assume that people already know everything about your offer without clearly explaining it.

You’ll get better results from your landing pages, emails, and web copy when you remove any confusion about your offer and the problems your SaaS product solves.

You need a conversion copywriter who’ll partner with your B2B Saas team to transform “techspeak” into human language that creates an emotional connection with your ideal customer.

person in gray suit jacket using macbook pro

Optimize your b2b messaging

VIP Copy Day

Your VIP day includes optimizing your B2B SaaS website, emails, apps, and landing pages with conversion copywriting that delivers results.

You’ll get 6-8 hours devoted to making sure your existing messaging is clear and concise.

You can attract better leads and more sales, signups, and subscribers when your ideal customer knows how your B2B SaaS product gives them the outcome they need.

simple workspace at home

customer-focused strategy

Website Audit

Your website audit gives you strategic recommendations that’ll help your website work harder to grow your B2B and SaaS business.

Does your website messaging closely align to your ideal customer’s problems and desired outcomes?

You’ll receive a video audit of 3-5 main pages of your website that’ll help you know what messages your ideal customer needs to see on the page (and in what order).     

crop faceless man using laptop and smartphone in office

Conversion Copywriting

B2B SaaS Web Copy

You’ll transform more free-trial subscribers into long-term customers with clear and concise B2B SaaS web copy.

You can remove any confusion that’s stopping your ideal customer from saying yes with conversion copywriting. 

Your web copy should prove how your B2B SaaS product solves your ideal customer’s problems. And you need to show how you serve your customers better than others.  



Mei Griffis, Former Project Leader at Eric and Mei Software